Over the last few months our community has held several events and discussion groups open to all at which a varied amount of topics were presented or discussed.
World Religion Day
This annual event was held at the Thomas Whittam Faith Centre on Barden Lane, Burnley. The Baha’is invited 4 speakers to focus on the subject of poverty. The Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Baha’i speakers all gave excellent presentations. We now need to think about a topic for next year. Any ideas anyone?
“Fireside” Discussion Groups
These are held in the homes of individual Baha’is regularly. Subjects discussed have been science and religion, prophecies of the Bible in Revelation and Isaiah, early history of the Baha’i Faith, trans-gender issues and the favourite personal development issues plus many more. The dates and times of these meetings can vary but are usually held on Sunday afternoons or Thursday evenings. All are welcome.
Study Circles
In addition to the discussion groups the Baha’is hold a slightly more formal series of study groups that use materials which attempt to deal with subjects such as prayer, the life and development of the soul, teaching children the virtues, personal growth, service to others and many more. The environment is friendly and nurturing and not in the least threatening. Anyone wishing to join in please text or call for details.