19-day feast – Words

19-day feasts are administrative meetings where Local Spiritual Assemblies and their communities pray, consult and celebrate together.

19-day Feast – Perfection

19-day feasts are administrative meetings where Local Spiritual Assemblies and their communities pray, consult and celebrate together.

19-day Feast – Names

19-day feasts are administrative meetings where Local Spiritual Assemblies and their communities pray, consult and celebrate together.

19-day Feast – Might

19-day feasts are administrative meetings where Local Spiritual Assemblies and their communities pray, consult and celebrate together.

19-day Feast – Will

19-day feasts are administrative meetings where Local Spiritual Assemblies and their communities pray, consult and celebrate together.

19-day Feast – Knowledge

19-day feasts are administrative meetings where Local Spiritual Assemblies and their communities pray, consult and celebrate together.

Birth of the Báb, 1819

The Báb was born in Shiraz, and was named 'Ali Muhammad. His family were prominent merchants in the city. Both sides of the family were descended from the Prophet Muhammad, and so he wore the traditional green turban of a 'Siyyid' as evidence of this status. He declared himself a Messenger of God in 1844 […]

19-day Feast – Power

19-day feasts are administrative meetings where Local Spiritual Assemblies and their communities pray, consult and celebrate together.

Celebration of the Twin Birthdays

The Birthdays of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh are celebrated together. The celebration date changes slightly from year to year.

Birth of Bahá’u’lláh, 1817

Bahá’u’lláh was born Mírzá Ḥusayn-ʻAlí Núrí, the son of a noble and wealthy family. He became a follower of the Báb at the age of 27 , and, like many others, was persecuted for this. In 1853, while imprisoned in a dungeon in Teheran, he realised that he was the one whose coming the Báb […]