Burnley Baha’i Blog – Latest Articles

A formula for peace
20 years of Building Bridges in Burnley was celebrated with a series of events across the town in June 2022. Achieving world peace and inter-religious co-operation was the theme and the Burnley and Pendle Bahai Community asked Mr Peter J Fothergill, a local Bahai, to...
200th Anniversary Celebration – Piano Recital
In 2017, Baha’is all over the world celebrated the 200th anniversary of the birth of their Founder-Prophet, Baha’u’llah. To mark the occasion locally, the Burnley Baha’i Community held a public event in which a piano recital of four pieces, written during the two...
Abdul-Baha Feature on BBC Sunday Morning Live
Burnley Bahai Community donate to Burnley FC Charity
Centenary Film Released
The Haifa based Bahai World Centre commissoned a new film to commemorate the passing, in 1921, of Abdul-Baha, the son of its Prophet - Founder, Baha'u'llah. 'Exemplar' documents Abdul-Baha's life and legacy throughout the world. It was published on 28th November 2021...

Talking Point: What do all the peoples of the world have in common?
You must have noticed during the pandemic that everyone in the world is suffering. No-one on the planet is immune, and our governments are learning that to control this virus, co-operation is essential. No-one will be safe until we're all safe. That’s because, despite...

Were You There in 1981? Burnley Baha’i Children Take Part
Multi-faith Christmas event - Market Square Burnley In 1981 Your Mum or Dad could be in this group! If you spot them make a comment and tell us where they are now.

Jim Grimshaw (1945-2012)
Click picture to read more.

Lancashire Forum of Faiths
Zoom and Phone to the rescue for Faith Groups.
Click picture to read more.

Fireside – Topic Led Conversational Meeting Every Tuesday on Zoom
A Fireside meeting is a good way to become familiar with Baha’i, its teachings, standards and solutions for our troubled world.
Click picture to read more.

Recent events and discussion groups
Over the last few months our community has held several events and discussion groups open to all at which a varied amount of topics were presented or discussed.
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Recent Events
Over the last few months our community has held several events and discussion groups open to all at which a varied amount of topics were presented or discussed.
Keep Up To Date
What is Bahá’í?
Becoming a Bahá'í?
Joining the Bahá’í community does not require going through any ritual at all including any sort of baptism. Anyone wishing to become a member simply informs a representative of the Local Bahá’í Assembly.